Are the trees in Indianapolis ready?
The trees are getting there. Bud break is expectedly slow due to the cold weather. I have a few Apple tree buds just beginning to open, but the frost of the last two nights could burn them off. Trees are capable of leafing out twice in the spring should a late frost damage the first leaf expansion. Early flowering trees such as Pears and standard Magnolias can have their spring display destroyed. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Should we have a late killing frost trees would benefit from deep root fertilization.
Last week end our entire family traveled to Beaumont, CA and participated in our daughter’s wedding at the Highland Springs Resort. Now all of my children are married and I am blessed with 5 grandchildren and now three Children-in-law that I truly adore. Not to mention last month my wife and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. None of any of this would be possible without her.